PBS Newsletters 2024/2025
Posted on Oct. 28, 2024Mar 17-21 Mar 3-7 Feb 17-21 Feb 10-14 Feb 3-7 Dec 9-13 Dec 2-9 Nov 25-29 Nov 18-22 Nov 12-15 Oct 28- Nov 1 Oct 21-25 Sept 30-Oct 4 Sept 23-28 Sept 16-20 Sept 9-13
Mar 17-21 Mar 3-7 Feb 17-21 Feb 10-14 Feb 3-7 Dec 9-13 Dec 2-9 Nov 25-29 Nov 18-22 Nov 12-15 Oct 28- Nov 1 Oct 21-25 Sept 30-Oct 4 Sept 23-28 Sept 16-20 Sept 9-13
Northern Gateway Public Schools was not affected by the recent PowerSchool breach due to extensive, additional security controls the Division has in place. These additional…
Preparing for cooler temperatures! The weather continues to hold, but with our first brush of snow, families are reminded to dress warmly and prepare for Winter busing conditions.…
Please access the link below to download the NGPS school registration package! Please include both a copy of the birth certificate and a proof of address. Please email the…
Education Week is April 15-19, 2024! Education Week is a time to celebrate public education and the important work that goes into creating an inspired future for every child;…
Preparing for cooler temperatures! It’s been a positively balmy November, but colder temperatures are in the forecast. With the changing of the season, families are reminded…
Beginning Monday morning, September 18, NGPS will have an additional urban (in-town) bus route running in Whitecourt. We have added an additional urban route, #128, and re-configured…
Your educational journey is our inspiration! At Northern Gateway Public Schools, we understand that every student is unique. Teachers, support staff and leadership work together…
Christmas Break for NGPS students is December 26, 2022 to January 6, 2023. First day back for students is Monday, January 9, 2023. Wishing you all the joys of the holiday…
Winter has arrived! As the snow flies and the temperatures drop, families are reminded to dress warmly and prepare for Winter busing conditions. To Run or not to Run? School…
The Division's COVID-19 Plan has been updated in response to the province's February 8 announcement to lift several COVID-19 health measures. Please visit our information…
Welcome to ngpsTALK! A space where parents, students, staff and community members can share their ideas and feedback on a variety of topics affecting our school division.…
On December 30, 2021, Alberta's Education Minister announced that the pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 student winter break would be extended to January 10 provincewide, and…
Alberta's Education Minister announced today that the Kindergarten to Grade 12 student winter break has been extended to January 10 provincewide, and that January Diploma…
Parents, THANK YOU for your support and diligence in screening for illness daily and keeping children home when they are sick. Your efforts continue to help ensure healthy…
Starting Tuesday, September 7, all students, staff and visitors will be required to wear a non-medical face mask in school common spaces like hallways, washrooms and other…
We all have a part to play in keeping our school communities healthy. Screening daily for illness is an important action we can take to support our schools. Alberta Health…
NGPS's 2021-22 Back to School Plan outlines the strategies and health measures the Division will follow in supporting the health and safety of students and staff. As always,…
On Friday, August 13, the Government of Alberta released their Guidance for Respiratory Illness Prevention and Management in Schools, as well as a tool kit with information…
In remembrance of the 215 children whose remains were discovered at a former Kamloops residential school, flags across Northern Gateway Public Schools will be lowered to…
The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that following an extensive Canada wide search, Mr. Kevin Bird has been appointed as the new Superintendent of Northern Gateway…
As per Minister of Education Adriana LaGrange's announcement this afternoon, Alberta students will return to in-person learning on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, with the exception…
It has been over a full year since NGPS began adapting to the challenges of delivering education in the context of a pandemic. This year, we want to take the opportunity…
Are you passionate about kids and public education? You may want to consider running for a school trustee position! Alberta School Board elections will take place on Monday,…
No School Reminder There are no classes Monday, March 29 to Tuesday, April 6 for the spring break, Easter Monday and a Board Approved Non-Instructional Day. Classes resume…
Thank you to all of our substitute teachers! Whether you are coming to the rescue in person, or online, you provide incredible support to NGPS students and staff year-round.…
Your Voice Matters Northern Gateway Public Schools seeks your input as we plan for the 2021-22 school year and beyond. Your feedback as students, parents, staff and leaders…
On November 24, 2020, the Alberta government introduced a series of enhanced COVID-19 measures that impacted all Alberta K-12 schools. These temporary measures were set to…
Christmas has always felt magical and miraculous. After the stress and anxiety of the last ten months, we need the hope and peace of the Christmas Season more than ever…
Wishing all of our NGPS families an extra Merry Christmas and happy holiday break! The Christmas Break for NGPS students is December 18 to January 1. Return to at-home,…
Alberta Government announces new series of enhanced COVID-19 health measures, ENHANCED public health measures: Stop the Spike. On November 24, 2020, the Alberta Government…
Preparing for Winter temperatures and road conditions With Winter weather upon us, families are reminded to take necessary precautions for inclement or severe weather. When…
Our library looks a little different this year. You can search our online school catalogue, then fill out a book request form in google sheets (ask your teacher about this)…
Orange Shirt Day began in 2013 to honour Residential School survivors and their families, to remember those children who didn't come home and to encourage and support awareness…
This summary, based on the September 2020 Government of Alberta update, COVID-19 Symptom-Student illness, provides further clarity to parents about the ‘isolation’ period…
NGPS 2020-21 COVID-19 Re-entry Handbook updated September 10, 2020. To read more on the NGPS Mask Protocol please see Section 1 - Provincial Health Measures, Pages 9-14 of…
With the start of the school year quickly approaching, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of students! A reminder the Percy Baxter School staggered entry start up schedule…
Board approves change to 2020-21 school year calendar. The first day of school is Wednesday, Sept 2; however, many schools have staggered start dates. Schools will share…
On August 4, 2020, the Government of Alberta announced that the use of masks will be required when students and staff return to school. Students from Grades 4 through…
The Government of Alberta announced yesterday that students will return to in-school classes under Scenario 1, with near-normal daily operations and added health measures.…
As promised, we are pleased to share the Northern Gateway Public Schools, 2020-21 COVID-19 Re-entry Handbook. The Handbook will guide our collective response to COVID-19…
Northern Gateway Public Schools (NGPS) is planning for the 2020-21 school year and what it may look like for students, staff and families. While any return to school will…
Included below are the course selection forms for students for their classes for the 2020-21 school year. These are the same forms that have been shared by teachers in…
As part of the regular registration process, proof of residence is now required for all Northern Gateway Public Schools students. Parents will be required to provide a copy…
On March 28, 2020, the Education Minister announced that resources to school divisions will be adjusted to match an at-home learning environment. At this time, Alberta…
No, really. How are YOU doing? Take a pause... and think …. how are you doing? Let’s take a moment to do a self- assessment: How is your heart rate? How quick are your…
As shared by the Minister of Education last week, all Kindergarten to Grade 12 students will continue to receive learning opportunities at home, either through online means…
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented change to us all. It has also brought us together. Our entire NGPS staff family has been working hard to develop instructional…
The school division appreciates your patience and resilience in the face of this unprecedented interruption in the normal operations of public education in the province.…
While many parents have questions regarding yesterday’s update and the closure of schools in the province of Alberta, there are still many uncertainties for all of us as…
As of March 15, 2020, the Government of Alberta has announced a province-wide school closure. All classes are canceled indefinitely. Children are expected to stay home.…
Northern Gateway Public Schools is facing a budget shortfall this school year. While Maintenance and Transportation Funding will receive modest increases, the loss of Class…
There are many supports in place to enhance the Quality Learning Environment (QLE) for NGPS students. Quality Pedagogy, or the practice of teaching, is a main focus, as it…
Mental, Social and Physical well-being impact learning. A Culture of Wellness, with a focus on these three domains, is foundational to developing a Quality Learning Environment…
Schools are considered to be one of the safest places in our communities. However, an emergency can occur anywhere at any time. During an emergency, our first priority is…
The focus of the Quality Learning Environment (QLE) is student or learner centered. Everything we do as Educators, from how we teach and what resources we use, to how we…
The Quality Learning Environment (QLE) in NGPS is our commitment to assure learners are successful and learners are supported. The core elements of the QLE are made up…
In the spirit of reconciliation and hope Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission (SJM) residential school commemoration event held in Williams Lake, BC, Canada,…
Being safe at school means working together with our community partners, parents and first responders. Understanding the terminology that schools and responders use can…
Welcome to the 2019-20 school year! We hope you enjoyed the summer break and are excited for a new school year. The beginning of each school year is a special time for us…
All the best to staff, students, and families, as they begin their summer break! Please review the Year End Admin Newsletter which includes news, reminders, and also includes…
Please share your thoughts with us in this short 3-question survey! Click here to take the three minute survey! Northern Gateway Public Schools is looking to find out how…
Ten NGPS teachers were officially welcomed into the profession last night following the near completion of their first year of teaching. Each year in NGPS, first year teachers,…
Alberta celebrates Education Week! The first Alberta School Week (Education Week) was held December 2–8, 1928. Its purpose then, as it is now, is to call attention to the…
NGPS held its annual 3 Year Education Planning session with division leadership, trustees and school principals on March 18. Superintendent Kevin Andrea says it was an…
Building a culture of excellence through Quality Learning Environments (QLE) Key Domain: Responsive Instruction Responsive Instruction considers the needs of all learners…
Wishing you all the joys of the holiday season! May this season bring you the joy of sharing, the warmth of community and the love of family and friends. From our family…
In the spirit of reconciliation and hope Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission (SJM) residential school commemoration event held in Williams Lake, BC, Canada,…
Building a culture of preparedness - NGPS joins forces with Hour-Zero Student and staff safety is an extremely important part of what we do at Northern Gateway Public Schools,…
We hope summer has treated you well and that you have had opportunity to relax and recharge with family and friends. The beginning of a new school year is always a special…
Reminder staggered school startup: September 4th: Grade 6 onlySeptember 5th: Grade 7 and 8 onlySeptember 6th: All students attend! We are looking forward to beginning of…
WELCOME BACK! Okay, we're not quite there yet, but with only three weeks left of summer vacation, we can bet the impending new school year is on your mind! Find answers to…
On Wednesday, June 20th at 7:00PM, PBS will be hosting an "Information Evening" for upcoming Grade 6 students! (Grade 5's from Whitecourt Central School, as well as students…
Please access the following link to view important information regarding busing in the coming school year.
There is an important parent information meeting and enrollment night for upcoming grade 9 students (current grade 8) on Wednesday June 6 at 7:00 pm in the gymnasium at…
Percy Baxter Hockey Academy would like to say thanks to the students, family and staff for participating in our Nickel Wars. With your generous donations we were able to…
September 27, 2017 Dear Parents and Guardians, RE: Students riding Whitecourt school buses Student transportation services in the community of Whitecourt have been…
Wanting to stay connected to Percy Baxter School? Look for updates and school news via the PBS Facebook page! Follow us and like us at @ngpspbs
Interested in receiving messages from the school via text using the Remind App? Sign-up information can be found here!
Interested in purchasing PBS Spirit Wear? Access the new PBS online store and have your clothing delivered to your door! A large selection of clothing and other items…
Percy Baxter School, along with other schools within Northern Gateway, is currently participating in a pilot to improve the way we report student progress to parents and…
Please access the following link for information regarding Fentanlyn, what you should know, and what parents can do to inform their children and keep them away from this…
Any parents or students interested in receiving "Remind" messages from Percy Baxter School, please access the sign up using the following link.
Welcome back to all students and Percy Baxter families! Percy Baxter School will be open for registration on Wednesday, August 24th, 2016. Parents looking to register their…
MediaSmarts provides resources for families, including parents, grandparents, and caregivers who are looking for support and information related to social media use, cyberbullying,…